Mistletoe Heights Express newsletter archive
Note: If you are aware of any issues missing from the above list and have an electronic or paper copy, please let me know. Thanks, Scott Ewing, webmaster
To place an advertisement or for further information, please contact the Mistletoe Heights Treasurer, Jeri Jo Blackmon (advertise@mistletoeheights.org).
The Mistletoe Heights newsletter is published bi-monthly in Feb/Mar; Apr/May; Jun/Jul; Aug/Sept; Oct/Nov; Dec/Jan. We publish on our website, Facebook page, and neighborhood email.
All ads are submitted as pdf files. Ads will be sized and balanced to fit in the size wanted. The deadline for both ads and payment is the 15th of the month prior to publication.
Ad Size | Rates | Actual Size |
1/8 page (business card size) | $25.00 / issue | 3.5” x 2.5” |
1/4 page | $50.00 / issue | 3.5” x 5” |
1/2 page | $100.00 / issue | 8.5” x 5.5” |
Full Page | $200.00 / issue | 8.5” x 11” |
Preprinted Inserts | $100.00 / issue | 8.5” x 11” |
Editorial policy
Newsletter articles and letters to the editor are welcomed.
To be published as written, letters to the editor must be addressed to the editor, signed, and include a valid phone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters to the editor are limited to a half page (approximately 350 words).
Newsletter articles may be submitted for publication, signed or unsigned, subject to approval and editing. Your contact information will help if we have questions for you.
To submit a newsletter article, a letter to the editor, or if you have any questions, please email the editor (newsletter@mistletoeheights.org).
Free classified ads
As a MH resident, you get a free classified ad. Please submit by the 15th of the month by email to the editor (newsletter@mistletoeheights.org).