Mistletoe Heights Association Dues
All residents of Mistletoe Heights are members of the association and dues donations are completely voluntary. Any amount is welcomed and appreciated. In addition to the seasonal social gatherings, landscape maintenance, newsletter and directory publications, dues donations fund a number of special projects.
Our annual dues drive begins in April and continues through October. You will see this flyer in our newsletter each of those months as we collect dues donations for our neighborhood association. We will recognize donors in EVERY newsletter through October with the final recognition published in our December issue.
Levels of giving for this year are:
- Poinsettia - $150 and up
- Magnolia - $100 to $149
- Holly - $50 to $99
- Mistletoe - Up to $49
We make it easy. Pay by credit card or debit card, or use your PayPal account. Just click on the "Donate" button to begin your on-line transaction:
Or you may simply send a check with your dues donation to:
Mistletoe Heights Association
c/o Jeri Jo Blackmon
1408 Mistletoe Dr
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Please indicate if you wish your donation to remain anonymous.